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Welcome to the Office of Human Resources employment and recruitment page. Our focus is the recruiting, hiring and processing of qualified candidates to carry out the mission of teaching, research and public service at Winston-Salem State University.

This can only be done with the commitment of a talented and diverse workforce. We hope that Winston-Salem State University's environment will challenge you to perform at your very best, foster creativity, and provide an atmosphere where you are valued and respected for your contributions.

For Managers

The Talent Acquisition Team is dedicated to assisting managers and search committees with hiring the most-qualified employees.

For Employees

The Office of Human Resources aspires to build partnerships at all levels of the organization to create a campus culture that values all employees. 

For Students

Student onboarding refers to the process through which a new student employee is hired and learns how to perform the duties and responsibilities of a new job. 

Winston-Salem State University is dedicated to providing equal opportunity in admissions and employment based on merit, and without discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or political affiliation according to State and Federal laws.