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RAMSES Special Education Grant

Thank you for your interest in RAMSES.   The awards for Fall 2024 have been completed.  Applications for next year will reopen in October.  Please see the information below if you have questions about RAMSES and revisit in October if you would like to complete an application.  

Residency & Apprenticeship Model: Supporting Equity in Schools

What is RAMSES?  

A special education teacher preparation grant funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (US Department of Education) and National Center of Teacher Residency (NCTR)

Scholars in the program will complete a Master of Teaching (MAT)  from Winston-Salem State University and be recommended for licensure as a NC Special Education teacher. 

RAMSES NC RESIDENCY Scholars will receive: 
  • Full WSSU in-state tuition and fees
  • Weekly in-classroom coaching support
  • Council of Exceptional Children Membership and travel to conference
  • Access to a fully online program with small class sizes
  • Ability to apply for emergency funds needed 

RAMSES 4 + 1 APPRENTICESHIP Scholars will receive: 

  • Full WSSU in-state tuition and fees for senior year
  • MAT tuition support
  • Access to an online program with small class sizes
  • Full year apprenticeship in the classroom
  • Friday on-campus seminars
  • Ability to apply for emergency funds as needed  

RAMSES APPRENTICESHIP Scholars will receive: 

    • Stipend/ Tuition support
    • Full year classroom apprenticeship
    • Online program with small class sizes
    • Friday on-campus seminars
    • Work alongside a highly trained, supportive mentor teacher

      Who is Eligible

      To Be Eligible for the RAMSES Residency Program you should: 

      • Be a teacher of record and hold a provisional license
      • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university
      • Have a 2.75 GPA
      • Be committed to fulfill a service obligation following completion of your program 

To Be Eligible for the RAMSES 4 + 1Apprenticeship Program you should:  

      • Be a junior at WSSU
      • Have a 3.0 GPA
      • Commit to taking 18 credits of education courses during your undergraduate program
      • Commit to taking two MAT courses during your undergraduate program
      • Be committed to fulfilling a service obligation following completion of your program  

To Be Eligible for the Apprenticeship Program you should: 

    • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university
    • Have a 2.75 GPA
    • Be committed to fulfill a service obligation following completion of your program

How to Apply 
  1. Apply and be accepted into the appropriate WSSU program (MAT or undergraduate)
  2. Complete the appropriate RAMSES application: 

Residency and Apprenticeship:


 4 + 1 Apprenticeship:


  1. All applications will be screened. Applicants who pass the initial screening will be invited to an interview.  

Key Project Features 

RAMSES provides two pathways to complete the existing Masters of Teaching in Special Education at Winston-Salem State University.  Funding from the project will:  

  1. Provide financial support for 50 scholars over five years with a focus on recruiting teacher candidates from underrepresented groups 
  1. Provide funding for scholars to join a professional organization and attend and present at state conferences. 
  1. Support the hire of instructional coaches to provide in-classroom support to NC Residency teachers 
  1. Support Friday professional development and licensure exam preparation for scholars 
  1. Provide mentor training to local teachers who will support scholars and learn evidence-based methods for supporting and sustaining diverse teacher candidates in the field. 
  1. Support faculty to enhance instruction of teaching candidates using evidence-based and culturally sustaining methods that increase student retention, strengthen belonging and achievement, and close equity gaps. 
  1. Support the collaboration of university faculty and program personnel to create effective field-based assignments. 

For More Information Contact 

For more information about RAMSES contact:

 To learn about Special Education at WSSU contact: