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The goal of UREC's Inclusive Recreation program is to increase the diversity and accessibility of our activities and programs for those who have a temporary or permanent impairment. Being physically active is necessary for a healthy lifestyle, and University Recreation can provide modified programs for participants such as: accessible orientations and assessments, modified group exercise, and adaptive sport opportunities. The weight room and cardio area are designed following ADA standards. Students may volunteer to assist with various programs offered.

Accessible Orientations and Assessments

Accessible orientation and assessment opportunities are available for individuals with various types of impairments. The purpose of this program is to customize these services and address any special needs, limitations or challenges presented. Our accessible programs can be utilized by participants with permanent or temporary impairments. These programs may need an initial consultation to allow our staff to understand and research alternatives and additional options. Our program is staffed with certified personal trainers who will work together with participants to execute an individualized workout plan based on their goals.