We believe that strategic planning is an active, inclusive and transparent process that informs the university’s future direction. Using data analysis and an assessment of the institution’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, is how a comprehensive strategic plan is developed. The strategic plan is a living document that encompasses our mission, vision, values, and key commitments and will guide the decision-making, implementation, assessment, and reevaluation of WSSU’s key priorities.
The 2021-2026 Strategic Plan has a very aggressive timeline. The Strategic Plan Kickoff Meeting was held on Friday, February 26, 2021, beginning the Discovery Phase of the planning process. This will be followed by “Building the Plan” and “Refining the Plan” phases with a planned launch of the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan slated for September 2021.
The Discovery Phase (February 2021 - March 2021) - Engage, Asses, Analyze
Building the Plan (March 2021 - June 2021) - Build a Draft Strategic Plan
Refining the Plan (June 2021 - August 2021) Refine, Validate, Vet and Finalize the Plan
Strategic Plan Launch (September 2021) - Disseminate, Distribute and Advertise the Plan
The Strategic Planning Committee is a 176-member team comprised of a broad base of faculty, staff, students, alumni and other campus partners divided into 5 Internally focused sub-committees and 6 Externally focused subcommittees.
You are encouraged to participate in the process. Please visit the university’s Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026 web pages on a regular basis for updates on our progress and feel free to ask questions or provide comments.
The 2016-2021 Strategic Plan officially ended on December 31, 2020. The 2016-2021 Strategic Plan Close-out Report provided key takeaways that have helped to shape the guiding questions for the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan.
A Few “Key Takeaways” from the 2016-21 Strategic Plan Closeout Report
WSSU is the first choice institution with an emerging national reputation for equity and economic mobility
Essential Skills Outcomes Resonates well with Stakeholders and Partners
Success with Liberal Education and High Impact Practices as "Drivers"
Opportunities to Further Efforts to Personalize Educational Experience
Continued Focus on Strategic "Signature" Partnerships
Expand Growth Opportunities to Unleash Everyone's "Genius"