Disbursements Services
The primary purpose of the Disbursement Services unit is to pay vendor invoices, employee reimbursements and travel expenditures efficiently and accurately. A high level of knowledge and accuracy is demanded in the processing of disbursements so that overpayments, underpayments, and late fees do not occur and contribute to audit findings.
Transactions originate within departments, normally flow through Purchasing and end with Disbursement Services. Therefore, Disbursement Services is the last line of defense of any improper payments or changes to the departmental accounts. Disbursement Services personnel work closely with departmental representatives, Cashier's Office, Purchasing Office, Budget Office and other personnel to ensure that disbursements are processed according to NC state guidelines in the BANNER system.
Questions regarding payment of purchase orders, pay requests, wire transfers, and personal service contracts should be directed to the Disbursements Services Office. Every effort is made to pay all invoices and obligations promptly when due.
For additional information:
Office of Disbursement Services
1604A/B Lowery Street
Monday – Friday
336-750-2706 (o)
336-750-8894 (f)
Organizational Responsibilities
The Customer Service section is responsible for the day-to-day contact with departments and vendors on matters related to the payment of vendor invoices, pay requests, petty cash reimbursement requests, and independent contractor forms. It is also responsible for receiving and distributing reports from outside agencies, as well as mail received by the department.
The Data Control section is responsible for attaching the appropriate enclosures to Disbursement Services checks, as necessary, preparing checks for mailing, entering data collect batches, and disbursing checks. This section is also responsible for proofing data entered through the Disbursement Services Vouchering and Imaging Systems (Xtender).
The Payment Processing-Non Purchase Orders section is responsible for processing all pay requests, petty cash reimbursement requests, employee (non-payroll) payments, and independent contractor forms. This section is also responsible for reviewing data to determine the university's obligation to report certain types of payments to the IRS via Form 1099 and withhold North Carolina Income Tax.
The Payment Processing-Purchase Orders section is responsible for processing all purchase order invoices for payment and ensuring that invoices with discount terms are processed immediately. This section is responsible for following up and resolving invoice processing problems, such as notifying the Purchasing Department of price and quantity discrepancies between a university purchase order and a vendor's invoice. This section is also responsible for obtaining the required payment approval for standing/maintenance orders from university departments.
The Vendor Coordinator is responsible for comparing incoming data to the current vendor file and creating new vendor files or revising the current vendor file if applicable