Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Faculty Senate?
A subset of faculty members representing the general faculty that consist of elected and ex-officio members. This legislative and advisory body consist of various committees with the primary role of engaging jointly with the administration in the decision making process at WSSU.
What is the purpose of the Faculty Senate?
The mission of this faculty body shall be to exercise the legislative powers of the general faculty. It shall also consult with and advise the chancellor and his/her administrative staff on matters essential to the effectiveness and future development of the university. The Faculty Senate is the cornerstone or foundation upon which academia maintains shared governance. The elected Faculty Senators from each department serve as the voice of the general faculty.
What are the functions of the Faculty Senate?
Within the limits of The Code, the responsibilities of the Faculty Senate shall consist of acting on the policy-making and advisory functions of the general faculty to include formulating, ratifying, amending, and remanding academic policies. The Faculty Senate can investigate, clarify, discuss, and debate concerns and suggestions forwarded by the general faculty or conduct any other business as delegated by the general faculty.
What are the duties of the elected Faculty Senators?
Senators shall bring the Faculty Senate agenda items originating in their departments or school/college, from academic support services, and from other areas of concern. They are responsible for communicating with their departments about all decisions made by the Faculty Senate. Each elected senator shall serve on at least one of the standing committees of the Faculty Senate.
When does the Faculty Senate Meet?
Regular meetings are on the second Thursday of each month from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. This usually equates to four regular meetings in each fall and spring semester.
How does a Faculty Senator make a motion?
A subset of faculty members representing the general faculty that consist of elected and ex-officio members. This legislative and advisory body consist of various committees with the primary role of engaging jointly with the administration in the decision making process at WSSU.
What is the purpose of the Faculty Senate?
The mission of this faculty body shall be to exercise the legislative powers of the general faculty. It shall also consult with and advise the chancellor and his/her administrative staff on matters essential to the effectiveness and future development of the university. The Faculty Senate is the cornerstone or foundation upon which academia maintains shared governance. The elected Faculty Senators from each department serve as the voice of the general faculty.
What are the functions of the Faculty Senate?
Within the limits of The Code, the responsibilities of the Faculty Senate shall consist of acting on the policy-making and advisory functions of the general faculty to include formulating, ratifying, amending, and remanding academic policies. The Faculty Senate can investigate, clarify, discuss, and debate concerns and suggestions forwarded by the general faculty or conduct any other business as delegated by the general faculty.
What are the duties of the elected Faculty Senators?
Senators shall bring the Faculty Senate agenda items originating in their departments or school/college, from academic support services, and from other areas of concern. They are responsible for communicating with their departments about all decisions made by the Faculty Senate. Each elected senator shall serve on at least one of the standing committees of the Faculty Senate.
When does the Faculty Senate Meet?
Regular meetings are on the second Thursday of each month from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. This usually equates to four regular meetings in each fall and spring semester.
How does a Faculty Senator make a motion?
- The Senator raises his/her hand and waits for the Chairperson to recognize them.
- The Chairperson recognizes the senator by name (Professor_____) and gives them the floor.
- Once recognized, the Senator rises, states their name and department.
- Addressing the Chairperson, the Senator introduces a motion in the form of “I move that……. followed by the statement of the motion. A Senator must be ready to provide a written copy of the motion to the Secretary at the time the motion is made.
- The motion is seconded by another Senator by saying, “I second the motion.” If the motion is not seconded, it dies for lack of a second.