CITI Workshop Catalog
In the following catalog, you can locate workshops and self-paced courses that will help meet your instructional needs. Despite the course delivery method – face-to-face, hybrid, or online – each workshop will incorporate sound pedagogical practices, innovative instructional techniques, and appropriate technological solutions. We look forward to helping transform your teaching.
Adobe Creative Cloud—Rush
This workshop will walk through the basics of using Rush as a video editing tool for lectures or student assignments.
Adobe Creative Cloud—Spark
This workshop will encompass providing faculty an overview of the Adobe Creative Cloud, and more specifically how to incorporate Spark into your classroom lectures.
Adobe Creative Cloud Mini-Workshop—Creative Cloud Express
This workshop will walk through the basics of using this app bundle to Post, create a Web Page, and a video for instructional purposes.
Adobe Creative Cloud Mini-Workshop—InDesign
During this workshop, participants will be introduced to InDesign and some basic tips for producing simple documents.
Adobe Portfolio
This workshop will provide an overview for learning how to create an Adobe Portfolio to showcase your professional and creative work. Instructors can share this information with their students to help them instantly create online portfolios.
Using Adobe Spark in the Classroom
This workshop examines the easy-to-use tool, Adobe Spark to create presentations and assignments.
Using Creative Cloud to Facilitate Your Course SLOs
This workshop examines ways to incorporate digital tools to facilitate Digital Literacy and effectively integrate student learning outcomes (SLOs) such as information literacy, critical reading, written communication, and oral communication.
What is the Creative Cloud?
This workshop covers the basics of what applications the Creative Cloud contains and which applications you can best use to engage students in various types of assignments and projects.
Canvas Course Tools
This workshop will outline tools available as canvas integrations or within canvas that can help you teach in your online or face-to-face courses.
Canvas Crash
A basic start up course that includes all the elements to getting a course up and running.
Canvas Open Lab
A “walk-in” format that allows participants to ask questions and fix issues with Canvas.
Canvas Questions
A flexible session for participants to ask questions about the LMS or hear tips and ideas for online learning.
Intermediate Canvas
Advanced discussions about tools, design and navigating the Canvas LMS.
Using Speedgrader in Canvas
How to use Speedgrader and its features in Canvas.
Antiracist Pedagogy
During this workshop, participants will define antiracist pedagogy, explore how privilege and power influence teaching practices, and discuss strategies to counter false narratives about students of color.
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments for Students
During this workshop, participants will recall and discuss best practices to foster inclusivity in courses.
I Don't See Color
During this workshop, participants will discuss and evaluate the impact of the color-blind deficit mentality on teaching and student success.
Teaching with Cultural Competency
This session will explore how culture influences teaching. Participants will describe cultural competence, complete a culturally responsive self-assessment, examine how bias impacts student retention, and identify strategies to make culturally appropriate connections with students.
Eleven Digital Tools to Engage a RAM
During this workshop, faculty will explore eleven digital tools to promote student engagement in a traditional, hybrid, and/or online course.
Game Changer: Using Kahoot! To Promote Active Learning
During this workshop, participants will (1) Describe how game-based pedagogy promotes active learning, (2) Recall the uses and limitations of using the game-based platform, Kahoot!, and (3) Design a Kahoot! to assess student learning and actively engage students in course content.
Engaging Students with Google Jamboard
During this workshop, participants will identify various ways to engage students and assess learning using Google Jamboard.
What is Flipgrid?
This workshop explores how the video tool Flipgrid can engage students and foster a collaborative learning environment. Participants will complete the required steps to integrate Flipgrid into Canvas.
Creating and Responding to a Flipgrid
This workshop will explore the functions and features of the video tool, Flipgrid. Participants will create a Flipgrid topic and respond to a Flipgrid discussion prompt. Prerequisite: Completion of What is Flipgrid? Participants should integrate Flipgrid into Canvas before the session.
Integrating Digital Assignments into Your Classes
Embedding digital assignments is currently one of the most popular trends in education at all levels! In this workshop, you will explore different ways to use digital applications in your classroom. We will look at WIX for e-portfolios, Storyjumper, for digital books, and other applications. Ideally, you will come away with a deeper understanding of many ways that digital applications can enhance your teaching strategies.
Readability Statistics
Learn the features of Microsoft Word’s Readability index tool to aid in writing and composition.
What is Padlet?
This workshop focuses on using the Padlet digital canvas tool as an interactive classroom application.
Using PlayPosit for Interactive Quizzes
This workshop will cover basic and intermediate uses of the video quiz tool, PlayPosit.
Utilizing VoiceThread for Lively Discussions
This workshop will explore how to engage students in course discussions, presentations, and group projects using VoiceThread. Participants will learn how to use VoiceThread to increase the digital literacy of students.
Zoom Tricks and Tips
This workshop will provide tips and tricks for learning how to create meaningful connections with your students.
Acclimating Students to Online Learning
Tips for helping students navigate and acclimate to the online environment.
Back to the Basics: Revisiting the ABCs of Teaching Online Courses
Quick tips for delivering an online course effectively.
Balancing Asynchronous and Synchronous Instruction
This session will define asynchronous instruction and synchronous instruction, explain the advantages and disadvantages of asynchronous instruction and synchronous instruction, describe examples of asynchronous and synchronous learning activities, and discuss how to balance the two methods.
Creating Asynchronous Learning Activities
Create student activities that can be accessed around the clock by your online students.
Creating Netiquette in your Course
Tips for creating a policy for effective civil communication in an online course.
Digital Equity and Technological Inclusiveness in Online Courses to Support Student Success
Tips for creating a policy for effective civil communication in an online course.
How Using Embedded Librarians Can Support your Virtual instruction
This session uses librarian experiences to share the benefits of embedding a librarian into virtual instruction settings. Recognizing there is no one size fits all model for the embedding process, the session will cover a variety of models and the past outcomes to these efforts. The goal is to make faculty more familiar and comfortable with options available to them for embedding a librarian into their instruction and how it can positively impact the success of their students.
Online Teaching: How to Use HIPS to Engage Social Justice Issues
This workshop will expand on the HIPS (high impact practices) principles and strategies used in a synchronous medium, specifically Canvas. Attendees will gain insight on how to incorporate such practices online as well as in the traditional face-to-face classroom meeting.
Active Learning Classroom
Learn about the active learning classroom and common pitfalls to avoid. Explore the use of the active learning classroom at WSSU. Re-design a course component through a backward design process.
Cheating Challenges
New technologies have created a new wave of cheating methods students use in the classroom. How have some faculty dealt with the new challenges? This workshop will feature a panel of instructors and have an open floor segment for other faculty input.
Creating Transparent Assignments Using the TILT Framework
During this workshop, participants will examine the transparency framework to create course assignments that positively impact student retention.
Creating Assignments for Social Justice
This workshop will provide an overview of how to incorporate high-impact practices (HIPS) into your courses while applying Adobe technical tools.
Creating Effective Learning Outcomes
During this workshop, learners will engage in an interactive dialogue concerning the characteristics and benefits of effective learning outcomes. Concrete steps for designing and revising learning outcomes will be explained. Strategies for using learning outcomes to create assignments and drive learning activities will be discussed.
Constructing Multiple Choice Questions to Evaluate Knowledge Attainment and Synthesis
During this workshop, participants will focus on how to construct multiple-choice questions that ask for the integration of knowledge. Participants will work on the construction of these items during the workshop.
High Impact Practices
A collection of strategies for teaching and learning that are supported through research linking them to increased retention, completion, and satisfaction rates of students.
It's the Little Things: What Can We Do to Enhance Student Success?
During this workshop, participants will explore intentional and impactful small teaching practices to improve student success outcomes.
Teaching and Engaging Students Using the Living Room Conversation Model for Oral Communication
This workshop will introduce faculty to the Living Room Conversation model as an approach to incorporating oral communication into their classes. Participants will learn how to use this dialogue model in their classes to help students communicate across divides of politics, race, gender, nationality, and more.
Teaching Civil Discourse and Dialogue
Living Room Conversations offers a simple, sociable, and structured way to practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships. Rather than debating or convincing others, we take turns talking to share and learn. No preparation is required.
Team Approach to Instructional Design, Delivery, and Management
During this workshop, faculty will explore the team approach to instructional design and establish recommendations for quality, rigor, and effectiveness, in a team approach to instructional design, delivery, and management.
Using CBE
A brief introduction to the makings of a Competency-Based Education program.
CITI1015 - CITI Course Design/Redesign (Course Design Incubator)
An fully-online, self-paced course, designed to guide faculty through each step of the course design process. Based on the ADDIE model of instructional design, this course demystifies the course design and development process to set you and your students up for success.
CITI1041 - CITI Uploading Instructional Content in Canvas Due to a Campus Emergency
A Canvas course that has step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, supplemental articles, teaching resources for online instruction, and other information to assist with this transition of course content. The course is asynchronous and contains additional Canvas training courses in an online format such as Introduction to Canvas and Intermediate Canvas.
CITI1042 - CITI Online Teaching Institute
A Canvas course to help faculty learn ways to design an online course for student success, use asynchronous instructional methods, and provide tools to differentiate learning activities and assessments in an online course.
CITI1045 - CITI Course Development Institute
A Canvas course to assist faculty prepare Fall 2020 courses to be developed for instructional delivery in a traditional, online, or hybrid format.
CITI1045 - CITI Hybrid Instructional Support Bootcamp
A bootcamp designed to provide concise workshop topics in one setting due to faculty having a challenging Fall 2020 semester with limited breaks and continuous instructional screen time from synchronous video-conference instruction formats such as Zoom and Teams.
CITI1039 - CITI Teaching and Faculty Fellows Program
In an effort of creating a pathway for faculty to immerse into pedagogical theories and collaborate on innovative teaching strategies for their classes, this Canvas course includes the application packet and information for CITI Faculty Fellows to learn how to be effective faculty developers.
CITI1049 - CITI WSSU Student Online Orientation
The purpose of this orientation is to orient students to the expectations and help prepare students for the discipline required to complete an online course successfully.
CITI1050 - CITI WSSU Faculty Online Orientation
The purpose of this orientation is to introduce faculty to best practices for teaching online. During this course, faculty will explore what they need to know to prepare to teach online, how to deliver instruction in the online classroom, how to assess learning, and how to support student learning.