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We continue to seek ways to strengthen our partnership with faculty. Contact your library liaison if you need to plan instruction, order books, journal titles, or other resources to keep our collection current for your respective academic departments.

Instruction and Reference Liaisons and Resource Pages

Sharnette Evans

Thomas Flynn

Michael Frye

Ian Hertz
  • Assistant Director of Finance and Collections
  • Electronic Resources Librarian
  • Business Liaison

Joan Hill

  • Evening and Weekend Reference Librarian


Anthony Holloway 

AlTonya Washington

 Note: Instruction appointments should be made no less than 2 weeks before requested date.

If you have questions about library instruction please call 336-750-8938.

Course, Assignment and Research Planning

Are you developing a course, a new assignment or will you be pursuing long term research endeavors? Contact us as soon as possible so that your library liaison can work with you to assure that our collection meets your needs.