Committee Descriptions
The membership of the Staff Senate shall consist of all employees that are Subject to the Human Resources Act (SHRA) and Exempt from the Human Resources Act (EHRA) non-faculty employees, whether permanent full time or permanent part-time.
The WSSU Staff Senate meets monthly for one hour unless otherwise announced. Meetings shall be held once a month between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Notice of meetings shall be received by the membership at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.
The Executive Committee shall be composed of elected officers and the chair of each committee. The Executive Committee shall conduct business between monthly Staff Senate meetings and shall report such action(s) to the full Staff Senate during its monthly meetings.
The Fundraising Committee will be responsible for budgetary and financial matters, as well as reporting budget status and preparing a budget for the Executive Committee. This committee shall also develop policies and procedures for committees of the Staff Senate in compliance with university and state policies, especially regarding fundraising events. This committee is also responsible to ensure that appropriate entities of the university are properly notified. The Fundraising Committee shall provide information regarding common campus resources that may help alleviate certain budgetary constraints, and other general budgeting and/or information.
Members |
The Campus Culture Committee shall provide recommendations to improve the culture on campus. Winston-Salem State University is committed to providing a workplace in which all individuals are treated respectfully and equally.
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The Communications Committee shall be responsible for regularly disseminating information of interest to the staff of WSSU. The committee shall receive, edit, or produce and then distribute general communications for Staff Senate related materials via the designated Staff Senate email. This committee shall publish a wrap-up of the monthly Staff Senate general meetings. This committee shall also maintain and manage the Staff Senate's website to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is available at all times.
Members |
Vivian Spencer |
The Community Service Committee shall identify community service activities or initiatives on campus and in the surrounding community that is relevant to WSSU staff and shall coordinate staff participation in these activities. A strong emphasis is placed on Staff Senate presence in and devotion to WSSU and the community. The staff is encouraged to submit their service interests, needs, and ideas to the committee chairs throughout the year.
The Employee Recognition Committee is responsible for programs designed to boost morale and/or recognize employees for outstanding accomplishments in the workplace. Representatives from this committee shall work with, or become a part of, any existing committees performing the same or similar functions on behalf of the university.
Members |
Alexis Hunt |
Reggie Jones |
Sophia Kennedy |
The Governance Committee shall confer with the Executive Committee through the appropriate legislative offices of the university about issues important to the mission of the Staff Senate and the university as a whole. This committee is designed to encourage the participation of the members of the Staff Senate in the political process, to serve in an advocacy role for the betterment of the staff of WSSU, and to communicate to the Staff Senate and the staff of the university regarding issues impacting higher education employees.
The committee shall serve as a resource for the Staff Senate on questions and concerns relating to the Bylaws and/or parliamentary procedures. The committee shall review all Staff Senate constitutions, bylaws, and procedures when adopted and/or amended for conflict or inconsistency with WSSU Staff Senate and UNC Staff Assembly governance. This committee shall advise the Staff Senate on resolving conflicts with any documents relating to the Staff Senate/UNC Staff Assembly. The committee shall request the Executive Committee action when necessary to bring Staff Senate documents and procedures into conformity with stated parliamentary procedures.
The committee shall advise the Staff Senate of changes to the bylaws that may require the action of the WSSU Staff Senate to avoid conflict or inconsistency in Governance of the State.
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The Health and Wellness Committee provides educational information that encourages better health practices. Workshops, seminars, and special events focus on five areas: self-responsibility, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management, and environmental sensitivity. This committee is directed to collaborate with campus-wide initiatives associated with health and wellness.
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The Orientation Committee educates newly elected members and alternates to enable them to become fully contributing members of the Staff Senate and provides continuing development for members. The chair of this committee represents Staff Senate during Human Resource’s new employee orientation sessions to educate new employees of the university about the Staff Senate.
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The Professional Development Committee (PDC) is designed to provide support to SHRA and EHRA non-faculty for professional development needs to perform their jobs to attain the university’s mission, goals, priorities, and employee needs as resources are available.
Members |
Deidra Gilliard |
Shawn Odom |
Renee White |
The Workplace Engagement Committee shall be responsible for gathering information regarding recommendations and/or questions that are not addressed by employee grievance policies and procedures. The committee will present recommendations and/or questions to the Executive Committee for consideration and approval prior to submitting to the Chancellor for discussion and/or action.
Members |
Jana Poplar |
Brandi Gray |
LaVon Gray |